Interactions between Parasites and Human Microbiota

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Helminth, intestinal microbiota, parasite, protozoa


Parasitic infections are threatening millions of people, particularly in developing countries. These infections are usually associated with significant variability in clinical presentation from asymptomatic infection to chronic disease. It is suggested that the intestinal microbiota may help to explain the differences in disease expression. Recent studies reported that microbiota effect to parasite colonization and persistence in the host and the presence of parasitic infection may also alter the intestinal bacterial community. Microbiota plays an important role in protecting against pathogens and maintaining immune and metabolic homeostasis. The alteration of microbiota composition (dysbiosis) has been associated with the pathogenesis of many infections and inflammatory diseases. Understanding the interactions among microbiota, human parasites, and the host immune system may allow us for designing new treatment options for parasitic infections. The objective of this review was to summarize the recent development in this field.


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How to Cite

Mumcuoğlu, İpek. (2019). Interactions between Parasites and Human Microbiota. European Journal of Therapeutics, 25(1), 6–11.



Review Articles