Morphology and Topography of the Nutrient Foramina in the Shoulder Girdle and Long Bones of the Upper Extremity

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nutrient foramen, nutrient arteries, foraminal index, upper limb, long bone


Objectives: The most principal nutrition source of a bone is nutrient arteries. They are important at every stage of bone development. A nutrient artery enters a bone through the nutrient foramen, the largest hole on the outer surface of the bone. The foramen is important both morphologically and clinically.

Methods: A total of 414 adult human dry bones were investigated in this study to identify topographic and morphological features of nutrient foramina in the scapula, clavicle, humerus, radius and ulna. Nutrient foramina were examined with a hand lens. Their dimensions and directions were determined with a 21-gauge needle, and thus major foramina were detected. Positions of nutrient foramina were noted according to surfaces of the bones, and to segments separated as proximal, middle and distal by calculating foraminal index.

Results: A single nutrient foramen was found in 71% of our samples. We observed that 94.2% of foramina in the clavicle, 89.3% of foramina in the humerus, 51.3% of foramina in the radius, and 67.7% of foramina in the ulna were located in the middle 1/3 segment of the bones.

Conclusion: Our findings were in line with the data in the literature. On account of pathologies associated with the nutrient foramen, our findings may be helpful for surgeons to design applications performed in the region. In addition, we think that our data by contributing to the literature may be a resource for clinicians due to the importance of the nutrient foramen for surgical procedures.


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How to Cite

Cihan, Ömer F., & Toma, S. (2023). Morphology and Topography of the Nutrient Foramina in the Shoulder Girdle and Long Bones of the Upper Extremity. European Journal of Therapeutics, 29(3), 359–369.



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