The Change of Oral Presentations of National Anatomy Congresses Over the Years

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National anatomy congresses, oral presentation, publication rate


Objective: In this study, it is aimed to examine the characteristics and publication rates of oral presentations presented in national congresses.
Methods: The data about the oral presentations in national anatomy congresses (from 2016 to 2021), including the number of contributing institutions, the institutions that contributed the most oral presentations each year, and the publication rates of the oral presentations in the journals scanned in different indexes. In the study, the titles and the keywords were scanned using Google Scholar and Web of Science, and journal index details were noted.
Results: Of the national congresses we examined in our study, the most oral presentations (193) were the congress in 2019 and the least oral presentations (47) were the congress in 2017. The publication rate of oral presentations was highest in the papers of the congress in 2016 (42%) and at least in the papers of the congress in 2019 (13%). None of the oral presentations in the last congress held in 2021 were published until the time of our study. Large proportions (34%) of the papers that are accepted as oral presentations and published are radiological studies. 70% of the publications were published in journals indexed in Web of Science.
Conclusion: For both new and senior academics, congresses offer a useful and distinctive setting. Congress papers showcase the scientific opportunities and interests of various universities while also providing opportunities for collaboration. Attendance at a conference is significantly influenced by its location, timing, and financial situation.


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How to Cite

Özkan, M., & Dinçel, Y. M. (2023). The Change of Oral Presentations of National Anatomy Congresses Over the Years. European Journal of Therapeutics, 29(1), 36–40.



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