How to Read a Meta-Analysis? A Guideline for Clinicians

Bir Meta-analizi Nasıl Okunur? Klinisyenler için Bir Kılavuz

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Forest Plot, funnel plot, meta-analysis


Meta-analysis is a statistical analysis that combines the results of relevant studies performed for same purpose and is used as a tool for evidence-based medicine to support clinical decision making. Because a meta-analysis includes advanced statistical analysis, the report is not easily understandable to clinicians. In this study, we aimed to write a guideline for clinicians to help them understand the statistical analysis part of a meta-analysis and interpret graphs and results of a meta-analysis.


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How to Cite

Kul, S. (2023). How to Read a Meta-Analysis? A Guideline for Clinicians: Bir Meta-analizi Nasıl Okunur? Klinisyenler için Bir Kılavuz. European Journal of Therapeutics, 24(1), 1–4.



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