Forensic medical evaluation of patients admitted to the emergency department due to the occupational accidents

İş kazası nedeniyle acil servise başvuran olguların adli tıp açısından değerlendirilmesi

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  • Kenan Asildag Gaziantep University; Gaziantep University
  • Murat Akbaba Gaziantep University; Gaziantep University
  • Mediha Annac Gaziantep University; Gaziantep University



Emergency department, forensic medicine, occupational injury


Objective: This study aimed to emphasize the importance of occupational accidents and contribute to the data of our country by forensic medical evaluation of patients admitted to the emergency department.

Methods: All 567 patients admitted to the Gaziantep University Hospital Emergency Department in 2013-2014 were examined based on their sociodemographic characteristics, types of accidents, injury zones, properties of forensic reports, duration of temporary disability, whether patients have health insurance, and whether the accident is life-threatening.

Results: Five hundred and fifty-three (97.5%) patients were males and 14 (2.5%) were females. Accidents were frequently seen in the age group 25-34 (36.2%). Temporary forensic report was held to the 62.6% of the cases. Patients with life-threatening injuries accounted for 6.3% and injuries that were not resolved with simple medical intervention accounted for 57.5%. The most common mechanism for injury was penetrating sharp-object injury with a rate of 25% and fall from height (20%) followed it. Isolated upper extremity injuries were the most common injuries (48.2%). The number of patients discharged after treatment in the emergency service was 393 (68.1%). The overall mortality rate due to occupational accident was 1.2%. The majority of deaths occured by falling from height (71.4%).

Conclusion: Detailed analysis of emergency data would help us understand the real causes of occupational injuries and prevent these accidents by taking simple precautions.


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How to Cite

Asildag, K., Akbaba, M., & Annac, M. (2023). Forensic medical evaluation of patients admitted to the emergency department due to the occupational accidents: İş kazası nedeniyle acil servise başvuran olguların adli tıp açısından değerlendirilmesi. European Journal of Therapeutics, 23(2), 49–54.



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