Anatomy of kidney: A comparative historical study

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Avicenna, Şemseddîn-i İtâkî, Canon medicinae, Teşrihül Ebdan, medical history


Introduction: The having extremely detailed macroscopic anatomy knowledge of the present medicine literature has been result of the information accumulation throughout the hundreds years. The numerous science hero have contributed for this purpose. The scientists being ahead of his time by their knowledge and scientific perspective have contributed worthy to development process of medicine.

Materials and Methods: The chapters related to the kidney anatomy in El-Kânûn Fi’t-Tıbb was written by İbn-i Sînâ in the 11th century, Kitab-ı Teşrihü’l-Ebdan Min e’t-Tıb is one of the first illustrated anatomy books that was written by Mansur b. Muhammed b. Ahmed in 14th century, Teşrih-ülEbdan ve Tercümânı Kıbale-i Feylesûfan is the first illustrated Turkish anatomy book that was written by Şemseddîn-i İtâkî in 17th century were evaluated.

Results: The informations were compared in three books and were interpreted by the present informations. These books have contributed to development of anatomy although some of the informations in them are faulted.

Conclusion: All three books are valuable in point of showing the development of medicine. The extensive evaluation of books which have important place in history of medicine will give valuable information about development process of medicine.


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How to Cite

Bahşi, İlhan, Çetkin, M., & Orhan, M. (2016). Anatomy of kidney: A comparative historical study. European Journal of Therapeutics, 22(2), 66–71.



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