Abu Bakr Muhammad al-Razi’s, a Distinguished Physician in Point of Knowledge and Experience, About the Cases That Happened to Him

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Razi, Aphorisms,, Case Narratives,, History of Medicine


Objective: The aim of this study is to show the medical experience and practices in the third chapter of titled “About the Cases that happened to Razi” of the book titled Abubetri Rhazae Maomethi scientia peritiaque insignis medici in libros Aphorismorum, sive secretorum medicinalium Gerardo Toletano Cremonensi Interprete/The Knowledge and Experience of the Distinguished Physician’s in the Book of Aphorisms or The Secrets of Medicine of Abu Bakr Muhammad Razi Interpreted by Gerard of Cremona From Toledo which is situated in pages 517-546 of his book titled Abubetri Rhazae Maomethi, ob usum experientiamque multiplicem, et ob certissimas ex demostrationibus logicis indicationes, ad omnes praeter naturam affectus, atque etiam propter remediorum uberrimam materiam…quibus nihil utilius ad actus practicos extat, omnia enim penitus quae habet aut obscuriora, aut Galenus fusiora, fidellissime doctissimeque exponit, & in lucem profert of which contains the works of Abu Bakr Muhammad Zakariyya al-Razi’s translated into Latin.

Methods: Based on the 1544 Basel edition of the mentioned work, the relevant section was translated from Western Medieval Latin into Turkish. Then translated into English on the basis of the Turkish text. In the light of the data obtained, Razi’s approaches to case narratives were evaluated with the approaches of his predecessors, Hippocrates and Galen, and the case narratives in his own works. During the discussion, basic sources of medical history, the works of his predecessors Hippocrates and Galen, Razi’s own works and modern sources have been used.

Results: As a result of the evaluation, in the cases narrated by Razi, there are people from different social groups such as Razi himself, the ruler, his friend and the slave. Findings such as the diseases that caused the case narratives, the treatment methods applied for these diseases, the presence of a negative opinion towards the physician, the feeling of trust between the physician and the patient, instant clinical observations and the duration of treatment have been obtained.

Conclusion: In Razi’s case narratives, it has seen that he was influenced by the theoretical knowledge and practices of his predecessors, Hippocrates and Galen. In the case narratives presented by Razi, it has been noticed that while the patient group consisted of different people, some cases based on complaints such as paralysis, swelling, heat stroke, discharge, stomach pain and burning were repeated. In these narratives, it can be said that Razi’s style is dominated by clarity, comprehensibility and simplicity.


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Available from: https://logeion.uchicago.edu/casus/Accessed 09 May 2022

Nissen T, Wynn R (2012) The Recent History of the Clinical Case Report: A Narrative Review. J R Soc Med Sh Rep. 3:87. https://doi: 10.1258/shorts.2012.012046

Nutton V (1991) Style and Context in the Method of Healing In: Galen’s Method of Healing Proceedings of the 1982 Galen Symposium. Fridolf Kudlien and Richard J. Durling, (Eds). Brill. pp 1-25

Millán CA (1999) Graeco-Roman Case Histories and Their Influence on Medieval Islamic Clinical Accounts. Social History of Medicine 12 (1).19-43. https://doı:10.1093/shm/12.1.19

Allen JP (2005) The Art of Medicine in Ancient Egypt with an Essay by David T. Mininberg. 2nd edn. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York

Hurwitz B (2006) Form and Representation in Clinical Case Reports. Literature and Medicine 25: 216-240. https://doi: 10.1353/lm.2007.0006

Miranda-Bastidas CA (2020) Clinical Records: The Medical Writing From the Patient’s Story to the Medical Narrative. Colomb Med (Cali). 30:51(1):e4223. https://doi: 10.25100/cm.v51i1.4223

Hippocrates (2018) The Hippocratic Corpus. Çev. Nur Nirven, Pinhan Yayıncılık, İstanbul

Galen (1979) On Prognosis. Edition, Translation and Commentary by Vivian Nutton, Berlin: (Corpus Medicorum Graecorum), CMG V 8,1

Acıduman A, Aşkit Ç (2017) Ebu Bekr Muhammed B. Zekeriyya Er-Razi’nin Kitabu’l-Manşuri Adlı Ünlü Eserinde Gebelerin ve Çocukların Tedbiri Üzerine. J. Lokman Hekim 7:110-136

Baas JH (1889) Outlines of the History of Medicine and the Medical Profession. J.H. Vail & Co. New York

Browne EG (1921) Arabian Medicine. Cambridge at the University Press. London

Meyerhof M (1931) Science and Medicine. In: Sir Thomas Arnold (eds). At The Clarendon Press. Oxford. pp 311-354

Aşkit Ç (2019) Razi: Practica Puerorum. Dört Öge 15: 47-74

Kahlert U (2015) Buch des Rhazes über Kinderkrankheiten. (Dr. rer. Nat., Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. [Dissertation].

Karaman H (2004) Bir Biyografi Denemesi: Ebu Bekir Er-Razi. Çorum İlahiyat Dergisi 3: 101-128

Campbell D (1926). Arabian Medicine and Its Influence on the Middle Ages. vol.I (London Printed in Great Britain by Stephen Austin and Sons, Ltd. Hertford

Neuburger M (1910) History of Medicine. In Two Volumes, Vol.1. Oxford University Press. London

Ağırakça A (2016) İslam Tıp Tarihi (Başlangıçtan VII./XIII. Yüzyıla kadar). Akdem Yayınları. İstanbul

Bayat AH (2003) Tıp Tarihi. Sade Matbaa. İzmir

Castiglioni A (1947) A History of Medicine. E.B. Krumbhaar (eds). New York

Garrison FH (1921) An Introduction to the History of Medicine with Medical Choronology, Suggestions for Study and Bibliographic Data. Philadelphia and London

Amr SS, Tbakhi A (2007) Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Zakariya Al Razi (Rhazes): Philosopher, Physician and Alchemist. Annals of Saudi Medicine 27 (4):305-307

Temkin O (1942) A Medieval Translation of Rhazes’ Clinical Observations. Bull. Hist. Med. 12:102-17

Hallum B (2012) The Arabic Reception of Galen’s Commentary on Hippocratesʼ Epidemics. Peter E. Pormann (Eds). De Gruyter. Berlin–Boston

Abubetri Rhazae Maomethi (1544). Ob usum experientiamque multiplicem, et ob certissimas ex demonstrationibus logicis indicationes, ad omnes praeter naturam affectus, atque etiam propter remediorum uberrimam materiam, summi medici opera exquisitiora.../per Gerardum Toletanum... Cremonemsem, Andream Vesalium..., Albanum Torinum, latinitate donata...ac iam primum quam castigatissime ad vetustum codicem summo studio collata & restaurata.Basileae: In officina Henrichi Petri; pp:517-546. Available from: http://books.google.com.tr/books] Accessed 18 Feb 2022

Lewis CT (1997) An Elementary Latin Dictionary. Oxford University Press. Oxford

Niermeyer JF 1976) Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus, Lexique Latin Medieval Français/Anglais. A Medieval Latin-French/English Dictionary, Fasciculus I. Leiden, E.J. Brill

Oxford Latin Dictionary (1968) Clarendon Press. Oxford

DMLBS. = R. K. Ashdowne, D. R. Howlett, & R. E. Latham (eds.). Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources, British Academy. Oxford. Available from: http://logeion.uchicago.edu. Accessed 13 Jun 2022

Liddell HG, Scott R (1889) An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon, Clarendon Press. Oxford

Audio Dictionary Internet Glossary. Available from:

https://www.seslisozluk.net/Accessed 11 Feb 2022

] Redhouse SJW (1996) A Turkish and English Lexicon, Librairie Du Liban. Beirut

Steingass F (2005) A Comprehensive Persian-English Dictionary Including the Arabic Words and Phrases to be Met With In Persian Literature Being Johnson and Richardson’s Persian, Arabic and English Dictionary. İstanbul

Güneş K (2011) Arapça-Türkçe Sözlük. Mektep Yayınları. İstanbul

Kuhne R (1985) El- Sırr Sina’at Al-Tıbb de Abu Bakr Muhammed B. Zakariyya al-Razi, III Estudio. Al-Qantara 6:369-395

Galen (1824) De Locis Affectis. Claudii Galeni Opera Omnia, Vol. VIII, Kühn KG. (Eds). Lipsiae: Prostat in Officina Libraria Car. Cnoblochii. 69-135

Brain P (1977) Galen on the Ideal of the Physician. South African Medical Journal 52: 936-938

Galen (1825) Methodus Medendi. Claudii Galeni Opera Omnia vol. X. KG.Kühn (Eds). Lipsiae: Prostat in Officina Libraria Car. Cnoblochii. 599-660

Abu Bakr Muhammad b. Zakariyya al-Razi (2013) Aḥlāq al-Ṭabīb and Burʾ al-Sāʿa. Çev. Hikmet Akpur, Merkezefendi Geleneksel Tıp Derneği. İstanbul.

Levey M (1967) Medical Ethics of Medieval Islam with Special Reference to al-Ruhawi’s Practical Ethics of the Physician. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 57:1-100


Available from: https://logeion.uchicago.edu/casus/Accessed 09 May 2022

Nissen T, Wynn R (2012) The Recent History of the Clinical Case Report: A Narrative Review. J R Soc Med Sh Rep. 3:87. https://doi: 10.1258/shorts.2012.012046

Nutton V (1991) Style and Context in the Method of Healing In: Galen’s Method of Healing Proceedings of the 1982 Galen Symposium. Fridolf Kudlien and Richard J. Durling, (Eds). Brill. pp 1-25

Millán CA (1999) Graeco-Roman Case Histories and Their Influence on Medieval Islamic Clinical Accounts. Social History of Medicine 12 (1).19-43. https://doı:10.1093/shm/12.1.19

Allen JP (2005) The Art of Medicine in Ancient Egypt with an Essay by David T. Mininberg. 2nd edn. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York

Hurwitz B (2006) Form and Representation in Clinical Case Reports. Literature and Medicine 25: 216-240. https://doi: 10.1353/lm.2007.0006

Miranda-Bastidas CA (2020) Clinical Records: The Medical Writing From the Patient’s Story to the Medical Narrative. Colomb Med (Cali). 30:51(1):e4223. https://doi: 10.25100/cm.v51i1.4223

Hippocrates (2018) The Hippocratic Corpus. Çev. Nur Nirven, Pinhan Yayıncılık, İstanbul

Galen (1979) On Prognosis. Edition, Translation and Commentary by Vivian Nutton, Berlin: (Corpus Medicorum Graecorum), CMG V 8,1

Acıduman A, Aşkit Ç (2017) Ebu Bekr Muhammed B. Zekeriyya Er-Razi’nin Kitabu’l-Manşuri Adlı Ünlü Eserinde Gebelerin ve Çocukların Tedbiri Üzerine. J. Lokman Hekim 7:110-136

Baas JH (1889) Outlines of the History of Medicine and the Medical Profession. J.H. Vail & Co. New York

Browne EG (1921) Arabian Medicine. Cambridge at the University Press. London

Meyerhof M (1931) Science and Medicine. In: Sir Thomas Arnold (eds). At The Clarendon Press. Oxford. pp 311-354

Aşkit Ç (2019) Razi: Practica Puerorum. Dört Öge 15: 47-74

Kahlert U (2015) Buch des Rhazes über Kinderkrankheiten. (Dr. rer. Nat., Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. [Dissertation].

Karaman H (2004) Bir Biyografi Denemesi: Ebu Bekir Er-Razi. Çorum İlahiyat Dergisi 3: 101-128

Campbell D (1926). Arabian Medicine and Its Influence on the Middle Ages. vol.I (London Printed in Great Britain by Stephen Austin and Sons, Ltd. Hertford

Neuburger M (1910) History of Medicine. In Two Volumes, Vol.1. Oxford University Press. London

Ağırakça A (2016) İslam Tıp Tarihi (Başlangıçtan VII./XIII. Yüzyıla kadar). Akdem Yayınları. İstanbul

Bayat AH (2003) Tıp Tarihi. Sade Matbaa. İzmir

Castiglioni A (1947) A History of Medicine. E.B. Krumbhaar (eds). New York

Garrison FH (1921) An Introduction to the History of Medicine with Medical Choronology, Suggestions for Study and Bibliographic Data. Philadelphia and London

Amr SS, Tbakhi A (2007) Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Zakariya Al Razi (Rhazes): Philosopher, Physician and Alchemist. Annals of Saudi Medicine 27 (4):305-307

Temkin O (1942) A Medieval Translation of Rhazes’ Clinical Observations. Bull. Hist. Med. 12:102-17

Hallum B (2012) The Arabic Reception of Galen’s Commentary on Hippocratesʼ Epidemics. Peter E. Pormann (Eds). De Gruyter. Berlin–Boston

Abubetri Rhazae Maomethi (1544). Ob usum experientiamque multiplicem, et ob certissimas ex demonstrationibus logicis indicationes, ad omnes praeter naturam affectus, atque etiam propter remediorum uberrimam materiam, summi medici opera exquisitiora.../per Gerardum Toletanum... Cremonemsem, Andream Vesalium..., Albanum Torinum, latinitate donata...ac iam primum quam castigatissime ad vetustum codicem summo studio collata & restaurata.Basileae: In officina Henrichi Petri; pp:517-546. Available from: http://books.google.com.tr/books] Accessed 18 Feb 2022

Lewis CT (1997) An Elementary Latin Dictionary. Oxford University Press. Oxford

Niermeyer JF 1976) Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus, Lexique Latin Medieval Français/Anglais. A Medieval Latin-French/English Dictionary, Fasciculus I. Leiden, E.J. Brill

Oxford Latin Dictionary (1968) Clarendon Press. Oxford

DMLBS. = R. K. Ashdowne, D. R. Howlett, & R. E. Latham (eds.). Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources, British Academy. Oxford. Available from: http://logeion.uchicago.edu. Accessed 13 Jun 2022

Liddell HG, Scott R (1889) An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon, Clarendon Press. Oxford

Audio Dictionary Internet Glossary. Available from:

https://www.seslisozluk.net/Accessed 11 Feb 2022

] Redhouse SJW (1996) A Turkish and English Lexicon, Librairie Du Liban. Beirut

Steingass F (2005) A Comprehensive Persian-English Dictionary Including the Arabic Words and Phrases to be Met With In Persian Literature Being Johnson and Richardson’s Persian, Arabic and English Dictionary. İstanbul

Güneş K (2011) Arapça-Türkçe Sözlük. Mektep Yayınları. İstanbul

Kuhne R (1985) El- Sırr Sina’at Al-Tıbb de Abu Bakr Muhammed B. Zakariyya al-Razi, III Estudio. Al-Qantara 6:369-395

Galen (1824) De Locis Affectis. Claudii Galeni Opera Omnia, Vol. VIII, Kühn KG. (Eds). Lipsiae: Prostat in Officina Libraria Car. Cnoblochii. 69-135

Brain P (1977) Galen on the Ideal of the Physician. South African Medical Journal 52: 936-938

Galen (1825) Methodus Medendi. Claudii Galeni Opera Omnia vol. X. KG.Kühn (Eds). Lipsiae: Prostat in Officina Libraria Car. Cnoblochii. 599-660

Abu Bakr Muhammad b. Zakariyya al-Razi (2013) Aḥlāq al-Ṭabīb and Burʾ al-Sāʿa. Çev. Hikmet Akpur, Merkezefendi Geleneksel Tıp Derneği. İstanbul.

Levey M (1967) Medical Ethics of Medieval Islam with Special Reference to al-Ruhawi’s Practical Ethics of the Physician. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 57:1-100




How to Cite

Soydan, N. Y., Acıduman, A., Aşkit, Çağatay, & Arda, B. (2024). Abu Bakr Muhammad al-Razi’s, a Distinguished Physician in Point of Knowledge and Experience, About the Cases That Happened to Him. European Journal of Therapeutics, 30(6), 910–922. https://doi.org/10.58600/eurjther2286



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