An Anatomic Study of the Supratrochlear Foramen of the Humerus and Review of the Literature

Humerus, intercondylar foramen, septal aperture, supratrochlear aperture, supratrochlear foramen, terminologyAbstract
Objective: The coronoid fossa and the olecranon fossa located on the distal end of the humerus are separated by a thin bone septum. This septum may be translucent or opaque. In some cases, this septum may become perforated, and it is called supratrochlear foramen. The aim of the present study was to describe the morphology of the supratrochlear foramen of the humerus.
Methods: This study was conducted on 108 dry humeri (right (R): 56, left (L): 52) belonging to adults whose age, gender, and racial properties are unknown. They were examined to determine the presence of the supratrochlear foramen. The shapes of the supratrochlear foramen were determined, and their diameters were measured.
Results: The supratrochlear foramen was observed in 11 cases on the right side and 11 cases on the left side. On the right side, 5 foramens were detected to be round-shaped, 3 oval-shaped, and 3 kidney-shaped, whereas on the left side, 6 foramens were detected to be oval-shaped and 5 round-shaped. Of the 86 dry humeri with no supratrochlear foramen, 57 (R: 30, L: 27) had a translucent septum, and 29 (R: 15, L: 14) had an opaque septum.
Conclusion: It is apparent that the supratrochlear foramen has been evaluated on bones generally in the literature, and there are differences in incidence rates. Owing to the clinical significance of this formation, it is thought that studying on a wider population of living individuals using radiologic imaging methods will contribute to the literature. In addition, although there are different terms used to express this formation in the literature, it is thought that adopting the name, which is commonly used as supratrochlear foramen, is most appropriate.
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