Can Exercise Ameliorate Memory Impairment via PPAR Gamma Activation in Rats Fed A High-Fat Diet?

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Experimental obesity model, exercise, learning–memory, PPAR gamma


Objective: This study aimed at determining the molecular effects of exercise on obesity treatment and cognitive impairment by examining the relationship between exercise (one of the non-pharmacological approaches) and PPAR-γ.
Methods: We classified 32 rats into four experimental groups: random control (C), obese (Ob), control exercise group (C+Ex), and obese exercise (Ob+Ex). The experimental groups were fed with a high-fat diet (45% fat) and standard rodent chow. The exercise program commenced after obesity diagnosis (30 min/day) and continued until the end of the study. At the end of the study, all rats underwent a learning–memory test in a Morris water tank, and the hippocampus of all rats were removed under anesthesia to study the PPAR gamma gene expression level.
Results: The escape latency was significantly different between the exercise groups and non-exercise groups (p<0.05). Molecular analysis revealed an increase in PPAR-γ gene expression levels in the exercise groups compared with that observed in the non-exercise groups, but no significant difference was found when comparing the gene expression levels between the groups (p>0.05).
Conclusion: PPAR-γ gene expression levels were upregulated in the exercise groups. In addition, the exercise groups performed better with regards to cognitive functions. This result provides a clue about the impact of exercise on the molecular pathway with respect to performance differences in cognitive function due to obesity.


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How to Cite

Yılmaz, İbrahim, Demirel, C., Balcı, S. O., & Akarsu, E. (2020). Can Exercise Ameliorate Memory Impairment via PPAR Gamma Activation in Rats Fed A High-Fat Diet?. European Journal of Therapeutics, 26(4), 275–281.



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