A Rare Syndrome in Adolescents: Capgras Syndrome and Its Psychopharmacological Treatment

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Capgras syndrome, adolescent psychiatry, psychotic disorders


In this letter to editor, while explaining the process leading to Capgras syndrome (CS), it will be tried to evaluate the psychodynamic, cognitive, neurological, and systemic factors as a result of the anamnesis and detailed examinations. Clinical aspects of the syndrome, psychopharmacologic agents to be used in the treatment process, and these agents' mechanisms of acts will be discussed. Y.B., a 16-year-old female patient, was admitted to our clinic by her family with complaints of restlessness, introversion, and voices in her ears. A psychiatric examination revealed that the patient had persecutory, referential, and somatic delusions and that her family was replaced with other families in her thought content. In the initial treatment of the patient, risperidone was preferred, and sertraline was added to her treatment after the regression in her symptoms was not at the desired level. CS is the most common type of misidentification syndrome. The patient believes that their parents, friends, or themselves have been replaced by people similar to them and may show strong hostility and distrust toward their environment. Although there is no single cause, biological and psychological factors are thought to play a role in its etiopathogenesis. When the literature is examined, it is seen that there are reports of CS in adults, and the number of case reports in adolescence is lower. It should be kept in mind that although rare, CS can be seen in the pediatric and young population and the addition of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors may be beneficial in cases that do not respond to antipsychotic treatment.


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How to Cite

Canol Özbek, T., & Özbek, M. M. (2024). A Rare Syndrome in Adolescents: Capgras Syndrome and Its Psychopharmacological Treatment. European Journal of Therapeutics, 30(5), 772–776. https://doi.org/10.58600/eurjther2140



Letter to the Editor
