Optimizing Patient Outcomes in Orthognathic Surgery: A Proposed Nutritional Protocol for Weight Loss Control and Bone Formation

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Maxillofacial surgery, maxillofacial surgical procedures, treatment outcome, dietary supplements


Objective: The primary objective of this research was to conduct a comprehensive literature review, offering an in-depth examination of the nutritional considerations associated with orthognathic surgery and suggest a perioperative nutritional protocol for enhanced recovery.

Methods: To achieve this objective, the authors rigorously examined existing literature while adhering to the guidelines outlined in PRISMA-ScR. The scope of eligible studies encompassed various types, with the exclusion of case reports and reviews. The research applied specific inclusion criteria, concentrating on the nutritional aspects relevant to perioperative and/or postoperative phases of major maxillofacial surgery.

Results: A total of 39 articles were identified that met the screening criteria. These articles were then used to generate a discussion and propose a protocol aimed at reducing body weight loss following major maxillofacial surgery and improving bone formation post-osteotomies.

Conclusions: While the realm of maxillofacial surgery sees significant advancements in other fields, there exists a noticeable gap in addressing the nutritional status of surgical patients. This oversight can potentially lead to suboptimal postoperative outcomes. Recognizing the pivotal role of nutrition in enhancing surgical results, this paper emphasizes the importance of maintaining optimal nutritional status among orthognathic surgery patients.


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How to Cite

Correia Lima, B., Grillo, R., Alvarez Quinta Reis, B., Peral Ferreira Pinto, L. A., & Melhem-Elias, F. (2024). Optimizing Patient Outcomes in Orthognathic Surgery: A Proposed Nutritional Protocol for Weight Loss Control and Bone Formation. European Journal of Therapeutics, 30(3), 400–408. https://doi.org/10.58600/eurjther2034



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