Evaluation of Rubber Dam Use in Endodontic Treatments in Terms of Patients' Awareness Level, Acceptability, and Usage Experience

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Endodontic treatment, patient, rubber dam, survey


Objective: This study aimed to measure patients' awareness levels about rubber dam used in endodontic treatments and their opinions about the necessity of its use, to evaluate their endodontic treatment experiences with rubber dam, and to compare the relationship between these opinions and treatment experience.

Methods: A survey including 16-questions was designed to access the participants' demographic information and previous rubber dam experiences, their current experience, and their preferences for the use of rubber dams in subsequent treatments. 9 questions aimed to measure the attitude via five-point Likert scale indicating measurements ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The survey was completed when the number of participants reached 150 patients. Fisher-Freeman-Halton test, Fisher's Exact test and Pearson Chi Square test were used to compare categorical data, and multiple comparisons were examined with the Bonferroni Corrected Z test. p<0.05 was considered sufficient for statistical significance.

Results: 27.3% of the participants had previously received dental treatment with rubber dam. It was determined that there were significantly more patients with primary education levels among those who did not know the benefits of rubber dam use before coming to treatment (p=0.013). There was a statistically significant connection between the question "I was informed by my dentist about the reasons for using rubber dam before the treatment" and the question "I think the use of rubber dam is necessary for the dentist/patient" (p<0.001). In this study, only 4 people were observed who did not prefer rubber dam for the next treatment.

Conclusion: Before endodontic procedures, the advantages and necessity of rubber dam use should be explained to patients in detail and the questions in the patients' minds should be eliminated. The clinician should improve himself in the use of rubber dam and provide the patient with a more comfortable treatment.


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How to Cite

Kaşıkçı, S., & Kolunsağ Özbek, S. (2024). Evaluation of Rubber Dam Use in Endodontic Treatments in Terms of Patients’ Awareness Level, Acceptability, and Usage Experience. European Journal of Therapeutics, 30(4), 464–471. https://doi.org/10.58600/eurjther2025



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