Red Cell Distribution Width Is an Independent Predictor of 1-Year Mortality in a Turkish Patient Population with Acute Decompensated Heart Failure

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Red cell distribution width, mortality, heart failure


Objective: Heart failure (HF) is a significant public health issue in Turkey. The goal of this study was to look into how red cell distribution width (RDW) affected patients with acute decompensated HF (ADHF) patients' prognoses.

Methods: A total of 101 ADHF patients under the age of 18 were enrolled in the study. Venous blood was drawn to measure the serum rdw. After a year of follow-up, the patients' survival status was determined.  

Results: The patients' mean age was 72. Forty-nine patients had heart failure (HF) with a reduced ejection fraction (EF), 8 had HF with a mildly reduced EF, and 44 had HF with a preserved EF. The median RDW value was 15.9%. In the hospital, nine patients passed away, and 92 others were discharged. 14 patients were lost to follow-up after one year, 87 patients completed the trial, and 40 patients passed away. Inotropic medication use, and serum RDW value were identified as independent predictors of 1-year death in ADHF patients by multivariate logistic regression analysis. According to this data, there was a 44% increase in 1-year mortality for every 1% increase in RDW.

Conclusion: In Turkish patients hospitalized for ADHF, red cell distribution width represents an independent prognostic predictor for 1-year mortality.


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How to Cite

Yuksek, U. (2023). Red Cell Distribution Width Is an Independent Predictor of 1-Year Mortality in a Turkish Patient Population with Acute Decompensated Heart Failure. European Journal of Therapeutics, 29(4), 829–837.



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