Finding the Most Effective Method in Anatomy Lesson in Nursing Education: A Comparison of Classical Lecture and Flipped Classroom

flipped education, face-to-face education, nursing education, anatomyAbstract
Objective: The objective of this research is to determine the comparative superiority between classical face-to-face education and flipped classroom models from the students' perspective.
Methods: This educational intervention study involved 109 first-term students from Akdeniz University Faculty of Nursing who participated in all the discussed flipped training and classical lecture courses. The study included the administration of feedback forms and an exam.
Results: The averages of the total student feedback scores for the classical lecture and flipped classroom were 45.9± 11.7 and 46.0± 8.5, respectively, and the difference between them was not statistically significant (student t-test, p=0.986). The mean of the knowledge acquisition test total scores were found to be 4.79 ± 1.62 and 4.82 ± 1.65, respectively, and the difference between them was not statistically significant (student t-test, p=0.872)
Conclusion: In conclusion, the results suggest that while the flipped classroom approach does not negatively impact knowledge acquisition or student satisfaction compared to traditional lectures, it does not offer a significant overall advantage. Further research and exploration may be needed to fully understand the potential benefits and limitations of the flipped classroom model in enhancing critical thinking skills and knowledge absorption.
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