Moderator Effect of Chronic Disease on The Relationship Between Marriage Adjustment and Satisfaction in Married Couples

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Structural Equation Modeling, Multiple Groups Analysis, Chronic Diseases, Marriage Satisfaction, Marriage Adjustment


Objective: The purpose of our study is to show how the relationship between marital adjustment and satisfaction will change in cases of chronic disease in either or both spouses of married couples using a multivariate statistical analysis method.

Methods: Marriage adjustment ve marriage satisfaction scales were used. A structural equation modeling - multiple group analysis method was used in the study, which was designed as a relational screening model.

Results: In the study, which included 898 participants, 56.6% of the participants were female and 43.4% were male. The mean age of the participants was 36.94 ± 8.72 standard deviations. First, the relationship between marital adjustment and satisfaction was analyzed using structural equation modeling, and the relationship between the scales was found to be statistically significant (p=0.001). In the model, which was significant and sufficient, the variable of chronic disease was coded on the arrow representing the regression coefficient between the scales, and multiple group analysis was applied. The relationship between marital adjustment and satisfaction was found to be weak among individuals with chronic diseases. The rate of marriage satisfaction explaining marriage adjustment was lower in individuals without chronic disease (R2=0.16) than in those without chronic disease (R2=0.10). While ego scores were not significant in individuals without chronic disease (p=0.237), they were statistically significant in individuals with chronic disease (p=0.017).

Conclusion: Chronic diseases has been found to have a significant impact on the relationship between spouses. Many studies have examined the effects of chronic diseases on marriage. However, our study differs from other studies because of the analytical methods used. In the scales, it was determined whether the chronic disease showed a change in the relationship between the scales, not the scores in the chronic disease state.


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How to Cite

İnceoğlu, F., & Porgalı Zayman, E. (2023). Moderator Effect of Chronic Disease on The Relationship Between Marriage Adjustment and Satisfaction in Married Couples. European Journal of Therapeutics, 29(3), 459–468.



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