Bibliometric and Visual Analysis of Palliative Nutrition Research Based on Web of Science

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Bibliometric analysis, critical care, intensive care unit, Enteral nutrition, Parenteral nutrition, palliative, visual analysis


Objective: Nutritional therapy has been shown to reduce the mortality rates of critically ill individuals. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in scholarly curiosity about the growing use of palliative nutrition. In order to determine the global research output on palliative nutrition, this bibliometric analysis was conducted to assess the current status of research trends and research directions.

Methods: The bibliometric data of the study was obtained from the online database Web of Science and analyzed and visualized with Excel, the Bibliometrix R package (version 4.1.2), and the bibliometric online application ( tools.

Results: A total of 1067 publications were included in this study. The majority of publications (398,37.30%) and citations (n: 9252) in this discipline have come from the United States. The most frequent publication type detected was article (n: 794). Publications published in 398 different sources (journals/books etc.). The international co-authorship rate was 11.62%. In the last 20 years, the annual number of publications has drastically expanded. The highest number of publications was published in 2020 and 2021 (n: 67, and n: 64 respectively). Australia, France, Canada, Japan, and China stand out as the countries with the highest number of publications in recent years. The terms 'end, care, hydration, nutrition, life, decision-making, artificial nutrition, and palliative care' were the most preferred keywords.

Conclusion: Finally, given the number of palliative care patients globally is expected to rise, it is critical to do ongoing research on appropriate nutritional therapy for these patients. As our study shows study gaps and study trends, it can provide insight for future work in this field.


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How to Cite

Alkan, S., & Tokur, M. E. (2023). Bibliometric and Visual Analysis of Palliative Nutrition Research Based on Web of Science. European Journal of Therapeutics, 29(3), 426–436.