Turkish Validity and Reliability of the Hikikomori (Social Withdrawal) Scale (HQ-25)
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Hikikomori, social withdrawal, validity, reliability, nursingAbstract
Objective: This study was conducted to determine the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Hikikomori (HQ-25) scale.
Participants: The sample of the study consisted of 418 nursing students.
Methods: Language and content validity and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were used in the validity-reliability analysis of scale. In addition, Cronbach's Alpha coefficient, item-total score correlation, and test-retest reliability methods were used. CFA, it was observed that three-factor structure of scale was preserved in the Turkish sample as well. Significant correlations were found between the scale and other scales (p<0.01).
Results: As a result, it was adapted into Turkish, revealing that the scale is valid and reliable in measuring the social withdrawal behavior of individuals. It is recommended to evaluate using the scale in risky groups in terms of social withdrawal.
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