The Attitudes and Behaviour of Women from Different Socio-Economic Levels in the Centre of Gaziantep

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  • Fatma SIRMATEL Gaziantep Üniv.Tıp Fak.Enf. Hast. ve KI.Bakt.ABD.Yrd.Doç.Dr .
  • Ali İhsan BOZKURT Gaziantep Üniv.Tıp Fak.Halk Sağlığı ABD.Öğr. Gör. Dr.
  • Sabri GÜNGÖR Gaziantep Üniv. Tıp Fak. Mikrobiyoloji ve Klinik Mikrobiyoloji ABD.Prof.Dr .
  • İbrahim BAYDAR Gaziantep Üniv.Tıp Fak.Enf.Hast. ve KI.Bakt.ABD.Prof.Dr .
  • Mehmet KARATAŞ Gaziantep Üniv. Tıp Fak.Enf.Hast. ve Kl.Bakt.ABD.Arşt.Gör.



AIDSi, Women, Socio Economic Level


A questionnaire consisting of eight multiple choice questions was administirated to two different groups of housewives frorn different socio-economic levels, who had previously applied to the health center. 136 housewives out of total 227 housewives were from lower socio-economic level(Hoşgör Health Center) and 91 were from higher socio-economic level(Binevler Health Center). The answers of the groups were compared using ehi square. Women from Jower socio-economic level(LSLEL) were older and their level of educations was lower than those of higher socio-economic level(HSEL) subject(P(0.01). As to whether the subjects had been. Previously informed about AIDS or not there was a significant difference between the answers of subjects from the lower socio-economic level(LSEL)(% 11) and higher socio-economic level (HSEL). LSEL subjects were informed about AIDS on 1V and HSEL subjects were informed about AIDS by reading newspaper etc(P(0.05). AIDS was considered to be contagious through sexual intercourse by LSEL(% 80.1) subjects and through blood and blood products by HSEL subjects(% 72.S)(P(0.05). The answers given by the subjects about AIDS show significant differences depending on their socio-economic level and their level of education. it is believed that the society should be well informed about AIDS and their socio-economic level should be taken into consideration.


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How to Cite

SIRMATEL, F., BOZKURT, A. İhsan, GÜNGÖR, S., BAYDAR, İbrahim, & KARATAŞ, M. (1995). The Attitudes and Behaviour of Women from Different Socio-Economic Levels in the Centre of Gaziantep. European Journal of Therapeutics, 6(1), 97–105.



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