Comparison of Recovery Period Characteristics of Propofol Alfentanil And Isoflurane Anaesthesiapropofol
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propofol, alfentanil, isofluraneAbstract
The recovery periods of propofol alfentenil anaesthesia isoflurane anasesthesia were compared clinically. This study was peiformed on 60 patients in groups of ASA 1-II. The patients were divided in two groups After giving propofol 2mglkg IV to the first group; the intubation was made and then a bolus of alfentanil (25mcg/kg ) was given via IV Anaesthesia was maintained by propofol alfentanil infusion. Two mg /kg propofol was given by bolus to the second group and then 0.1 mg/kg vecuronium was given. When neuromuscular blockade was achieved, intubation was made. The anaesthesia was maintained with 02N02 (33%-67% ), and isoflurane inhalation (1-2%).The recovery period of the patients were assessed clinically by awakening, responsiveness to the commands, orientation times. The Stewart scores were evaluated. Statistical analysis were made by using student-t and Mann Whitney-U tests. Awakening responsiveness to commands and orientation times were shorter in the first group than the second (p<0.05). ln both groups the 15 minutes postanaesthesia recovery was foundfull (6 points) according to the Steward Score. ln the recovery period nausea, euphoria, itching in the first group and emesis, coughing in the second group were found.
We observed some advantages of propofol alfentanil infusion such as faster recovery, less air pullationjust as the inhalation anaesthetics had. We conclude that the propofol alfentanil infusion can be preferred to isoflurane anaesthesia as an alternative agent.
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