Serum Zinc Levels ofaA Region that has Low Socio-Economic Levelsosyo
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Serum, Zinc, Bel-Sin - Kayseri, AASAbstract
Zinc deficiency that results from nutrition with the grains, in the low socio-economic levels has been shown. Concentrations of zinc in the blood serum of 82 (28 male+ 54 female) of healthy persons living in Bel-Sin (Kayseri)from Hacı Nimet Köseoğlu Health Center that has low socio-economic !eve! were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometer. The mean concentration of Zn wasfound to be 0.70 ± 0.27 mg/1. The changes in the serum zinc levels with age groups, smoking ete. were alsa investigated.
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