The Evaluation of Serum Transaminase Levels in Children After Repeated General Anaesthesia at Short Intervals

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  • İbrahim ÖZEN Karadeniz Teknik Üniv. Tıp Fakültesi Anesteziyoloji ve Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Anabilim Dalı
  • Gönül AKTÜRK Karadeniz Teknik Üniv. Tıp Fakültesi Anesteziyoloji ve Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Anabilim Dalı
  • Celal BAKİ Karadeniz Teknik Üniv. Tıp Fakültesi Anesteziyoloji ve Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Anabilim Dalı



Halothane anaesthesia, paediatric anaesthesia, serum transaminase


This research was performed on fifteen patients to whom halothane anaesthesia was applied with intervals shorter than four weeks. ASA I and fi patients were premedicated with atropine sulphate 0.015 mglkg and dolantine 1 mg/kg intramuscularly, 45 minutes later 5 cc of blood sample was taken far the estimation of serum transaminase level (A1). After induction with the inhalation method (50% 02, 50% N20, 1-1.5% halothane), endotracheal intubation was pe,formed by giving succinylcholine 2 mg/kg 1.V. The maintenance of anaesthesia was assured with 33% 02, 66% N2O and 0.5-1 o/o halothane mixture in semiclosed system. At the end of the operation, 5 cc of blood sample was taken again (A11). Halothane anaesthesia was repeated for surgical reasons after three weeks. The same anaesthetic method was applied and the blood samples were taken preoperatively and postoperatively (Bu-B11). Serum transaminase levels were determined. When ArA11 and BrB11 parameters were compared statistically, the differance was unimportant (P>0.05). And when ArBı and Au-B11 parameters were compared, an increase was observed, however, this was not important statistically. Far this reason, it was decided that repeated halothane anaesthesia in ehi/dren at short intervals should be applied carefully.


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How to Cite

ÖZEN, İbrahim, AKTÜRK, G., & BAKİ, C. (1997). The Evaluation of Serum Transaminase Levels in Children After Repeated General Anaesthesia at Short Intervals. European Journal of Therapeutics, 8(1, 2), 1–4.



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