Investigation of the Thyroid Gland Functions and Screening of Endemic Goitre in Gaziantep Province
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Endemic goitre, prevalence, thyroidAbstract
A comparison of our thyroid screen results on 2321 subjects to studies comprise all Turkey was performed. The iodine of drinking water in Gaziantep province is very low and between 2.3µgll and 2.41µgll. Second degree and higher goitre was found in 38 (12.6%) of 315 screened children. The ratio of male to female is 1/3 in Turkey. The ratio in our area is almost 1/2 . it was found that 127 (37.91%) male and 208 (62.09%) female of subjects which was found second degree and higher goitre. Appearance of goitre in children, to draw near of the ratio of male and female each other is important for endemic goitre. in addition, the increasing goitre incidence because of E.coli and iodine deficiency is valid for our province. According to these results, endemic goitre is severe problem in our region.
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