Advantages of Mckissock Technique in Reduction of Large and Protic Breasts

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  • Nazım DURAK GATA Haydarpaşa Eğitim Hastanesi Plastik ve Rekonsrüktif Cerrahi Servisi
  • Fuat YÜKSEL GATA Haydarpaşa Eğitim Hastanesi Plastik ve Rekonsrüktif Cerrahi Servisi
  • Erol KIŞLAOĞLU GATA Haydarpaşa Eğitim Hastanesi Plastik ve Rekonsrüktif Cerrahi Servisi



Backqround and desiqn: The main purpose in redııction of large and ptotic breasts is to create good looking breasts with minimal scar lines on them. It is very hard to obtain good looking in large breasts without the risk of nipple necrosis with methods leaving scars laterally or in a verdikal reversed T shape. In the study, 28 patients with large breats including a midclavicle-nipple distance exceeding 25 cm were operated by using McKissock technique. 

Results and conclusion: After a follow-up period of at least 6 months, cosmetically favorable breasts and considerably low rates of early and !ate complications were observed. Alsa, it was concluded that conservative approaches in fiap designs would decrease the incidence of complications and minimal deformities appeared at the end could be corrected by loca! operative procedures.


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How to Cite

DURAK, N., YÜKSEL, F., & KIŞLAOĞLU, E. (1998). Advantages of Mckissock Technique in Reduction of Large and Protic Breasts. European Journal of Therapeutics, 9(1, 2), 28–32.



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