Congenital Anomaly Frequencies in Maternity Hospital Of Gaziantep

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  • Nilgün Çöl Araz Congenital Anomaly Frequencies in Maternity Hospital Of Gaziantep



Congenital anomaly, Frequency


Congenital anomaly is a change of anatomical structure, which exists at delivery. in our study, we aimed to investigate the congenital anomalies and their frequencies. To do this, the records of 11,840 live births in the maternity hospital of Gaziantep between June 2003 and February 2005 were screened retrospectively. Major anomalies that were noticed at routine newborn examination were recorded. 6,152 of the newborns were male, and 5688 were female. The mean age of the mothers included in this study was 25.5 ± 8.2 years. The mean age of the mothers whose babies had any anomaly was 31±6.6 years. Congenital anomalies were noted in 123 newborns out of 11,840 (1.0 %). The most frequent anomalies were related to the urogenital system, and the most frequent anomaly of this system was hypospadias (43/82; 52.43 %). Major anomaly frequency is between 1-4 % in alive newborns. This study was conducted in Gaziantep Maternity Hospital, which provides health care to a large population, and the distribution of congenital anomalies were determined and found to be compatible with literature.


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How to Cite

Çöl Araz, N. (2007). Congenital Anomaly Frequencies in Maternity Hospital Of Gaziantep. European Journal of Therapeutics, 13(2), 4–6.



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