Neurourological Evaluation And Treatment In Children With Spinal Dysraphism

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  • Sakıp Erturhan Gaziantep Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Üroloji AD
  • İbrahim Erkutlu Gaziantep Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nöroşirurji AD
  • Faruk Yağcı Gaziantep Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Üroloji AD
  • İlker Seçkiner Gaziantep Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Üroloji AD
  • Ahmet Erbağcı Gaziantep Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Üroloji AD
  • Mehmet Solakhan Gaziantep Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Üroloji AD



Spinal dysraphism, Bladder dysfunction, Urodynamic evaluation


We aimed to clarify the neurourological findings in 117 children who have spinal dysraphism (SD). Between 1996 and 2006, age ranged 1-16 (mean 6.4) year, a total of 117 children ( 63 boys, 54 girls) were included to the study. Detailed history was taken from all patients and neuro-urologic examination had been performed. Urodynamic evaluation was done in the first admission and repeated at 3th,12 th and 24 th months. While we applied only medical treatment (oral anticholinergic and prophylactic antibiotics) to the 21 children, clean intermittent catheterization (CIC) had begun to the 55 children. Augmentation cystoplasty was performed in the 41 children who had been unsuccessful with medical treatment and/or CIC. While, normal findings were determine in the 78 (66.6%) of children, various degree of neurologic pathologies had establlished in the 39 of children. Early diagnosis is the most important factor for prevention of lower urinary system dysfunction and upper urinary system damage in children with SD. Urodynamic investigation is an obligation in urological evaluation and follow-up in this patient group. Patients should be evaluated together with pediatrics, neurochirurgii and orthopedy department in the management of treatment. , , .


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How to Cite

Erturhan, S., Erkutlu, İbrahim, Yağcı, F., Seçkiner, İlker, Erbağcı, A., & Solakhan, M. (2008). Neurourological Evaluation And Treatment In Children With Spinal Dysraphism. European Journal of Therapeutics, 14(2), 10–14.



Clinical Research