Non-Metastatic Suprasellar Germinoma in A Child: Case Report

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  • Mustafa Kayan Isparta State Hospital Department of Radiology
  • Mustafa Nazıroğlu Suleyman Demirel University School Of Medicine Department of Biophysics
  • Yasin Türker Isparta State Hospital Department of Cardiology



Germinoma, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Neoplasm Metastasis


Eleven-year-old girl presented with visual disturbance, diabetes insipidus and hypothyroidism. The lesion in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was established as a large suprasellar mass stretching the optic chiasm and pituitary stalk. The lesion showed intense contrast enhancement by intravenous administration of a contrast media. MRI examination of whole spine with contrast showed no pathology. Tumor markers such as alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and human chorionic gonadotrophin (BHCG) in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid were at normal range. Paranasal or bone invasion and spread of subarachnoid space were not detected. Total resection of the lesion was successfully achieved. Histopathological examination revealed germinoma. After surgery, the patient was treated with the combined approach of adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy.


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How to Cite

Kayan, M., Nazıroğlu, M., & Türker, Y. (2010). Non-Metastatic Suprasellar Germinoma in A Child: Case Report. European Journal of Therapeutics, 16(1), 33–35.



Case Reports