The Retrospektif Evaluation Of The Patients Applied To Our Pain Clinic Between The Years Of 2001-2007
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Pain clinic, Malign- nonmalign painAbstract
The number of the patiens referring to pain clinics for pain or other reasons, is increasing day by day since their establishment. In this study, we aimed to investigate the files of the patients referred to our pain clinic between the years 2001-2007. The sending clinics , the cause of the cronic pain, the pharmacological and other invasive therapies were evaluated. Considering the sending clinics, 47.8% of the patients came directly by themselves, 42.3% were sent by The Department of Oncology, 34.1% were directed from the The Department of Orthopedics. Analyzing the type of therapies over the years , the number of medical therapy decreased while the invasive procedures such as epidural steroid injection, epidural catheter application, trigger point injection, were increased. We assume that the satisfaction of the patients due to our multidisciplinary approach and successful treatment, will increase the number of the patients applying to Our Pain Clinic.
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