The Development Of Anxiety Resources Scale Of School Age Children With Enuresis

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  • Pınar Göv Gaziantep Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Hemşireliği
  • H. Demet Gönener Sinop Üniversitesi Sağlık Yüksekokulu Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Hemşireliği



Anxiety, Enuresis, Scales, School age population


Enürezisi Olan Okul Yaş Dönemindeki Çocuklarda Endişe Kaynakları Ölçeğinin Geliştirilmesi The investigation was planned to develop a scale for define anxiety resources of which school age children with enuresis and to make reliability validity analysis. The study was performed in *GKPS and **GUSRH after taking written and oral informed consent, between the dates March - September 2008. The sample of study was selected by using simple random sampling technique from GKPS and GUSRH. 120 school age children with enuresis and 200 healty children joined the study. As a tool to collect data, the scale of anxiety resources of school age children with enuresis and a question name developed by the researcher conscious were used. To assess the data obtained from the study, SPSS 15.0 program was used for statistical analysis. To assess the investigation data, besides definitive statistical methods (average, standard deviation), Oneway Anova and student t test were used. The questions at the scale developed were classified via factor analysis method. To determine reliability and validity of the scale, Spearmans Correlation Analysis, Cronbach Analysis, Kappa Adaptation Measurement and Factor Analysis were used. In this study, It was determined that 52.5% of participant children with enuresis were men, 76.7% of them had a problem with night wetting (Enurezis Nokturna). 59.2% of the children have had other diseases enuresis together with enuresis. Expression of "To think I could not be a successful student" in the scale was found tobe the most worrying statement. The total internal consistency coefficient Cronbach's a of the scale was found to be .96. Explained variance of the factors in the scale was calculated as 69.17%. Results were evaluated by accepting confidence interval 95%, significance level as p <0.05. Reliability and validity alpha coefficient of the scale was evaluated as 0.96. The variance indicated by the factors which take place in the scale was evaluated 69,17%. The results are at 95% confidence interval and p significance value is<0.05. The findings obtained via investigation revealed that "The Scale of Anxiety Resources of The School Age Children With Enuresis" is valid and confidential. So the scale could be used for such purposes.


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How to Cite

Göv, P., & Gönener, H. D. (2010). The Development Of Anxiety Resources Scale Of School Age Children With Enuresis. European Journal of Therapeutics, 16(2), 22–28.



Clinical Research