The Interaction Between The Informing Situation Of The School Age Group Children About The Hospital And Their Illness, And Their Anxiety Reasons

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  • Demet Gönener Sinop Üniversitesi Sağlık Yüksekokulu
  • Gülay Görak İstanbul Ünv. Florence Nightingale Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hast. Hemşireliği AD



Anxiety, School-Age Period, Children, Hospitalization


This study was planned to assess the association between the sources causing anxiety and whether not the school-age children one informed about the hospital and their illnesses. The study group included the children that were hospitalized because of acute illness, from February 96 to September 96, at Ondokuz Mayıs University Practice and Research Hospital, Department of Pediatr, Sampling group consisted of 60 randomly chosen children:30 of them were control group and 30 were case group. Data were taken by applying the questionnaire that assesses the children is personal data and whether or not they have been informed about the hospital and their illnesses and the form of which the validity and reliability have previously been tested of sources of thought that cause anxiety. Data were evaluated using percentage, yates correction, fisher exact, chi square(x2) and paired Sample t test statistics. It was seen there is no difference between the case and control groups according to age, sex, diagnosis, family structure, living area and social securities. It was shown that grade averages and standart deviations of the case group before and after education. The difference was found to be very significant. It was observed that there was a positive progress, upon giving the education, on the diseases, whether they had knowledge of their drugs and the misgivings about the hospital as compared to the state before giving education.


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How to Cite

Gönener, D., & Görak, G. (2009). The Interaction Between The Informing Situation Of The School Age Group Children About The Hospital And Their Illness, And Their Anxiety Reasons. European Journal of Therapeutics, 15(1), 41–48.



Clinical Research