Prognostic Effect Of Convertional Treatment In Pediatric Dilated Cardiomyopathy

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  • Osman Başpınar Gaziantep University School Of Medicine Department Of Pediatrics
  • Metin Kılınç Gaziantep University School Of Medicine Department Of Pediatrics
  • Erkan Altuncu Gaziantep University School Of Medicine Department Of Pediatrics
  • Mesut Parlak Gaziantep University School Of Medicine Department Of Pediatrics
  • Yavuz Coşkun Gaziantep University School Of Medicine Department Of Pediatrics



Dilated cardiomyopathy, Prognosis, Childhood


The purpose of this study was to review our experience with conventional treated pediatric dilated caridomyopathy patients in our region and attempt to discover prognostic factors. We analyzed retrospectively the outcome of 41 patients during last six years. The patients were 23 girls, and 18 boys, ejection fraction 31.6±7.8%, follow-up period 14.07±14.2 months. Eight patients (19.5%) had died, 17 (41.4%) had recovery of systolic function. When analyzed from regained normal systolic function (17 patients) and others, first ejection fraction was not statistically significant (p=0.743). When separated from patient presentation age, 58.5% were smaller than two years. Sixth patients (25%) were died in smaller and two (11.7%) in bigger. Comparison between groups were not statistically differences (p=0.632 for deaths, p=0.594 for ejection fraction). We concluded that age; degrees of systolic functions were not differentiated favorable outcomes.


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How to Cite

Başpınar, O., Kılınç, M., Altuncu, E., Parlak, M., & Coşkun, Y. (2009). Prognostic Effect Of Convertional Treatment In Pediatric Dilated Cardiomyopathy. European Journal of Therapeutics, 15(1), 5–9.



Clinical Research