Retrospective and Prospective Analysis of 28 Cases Applied Prenatal Diagnostic Methods Because of Neural Tube Defect Risk

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  • Ziya Bayraktaroğlu Gaziantep Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Pediatri ABD. Yrd.Doç.Dr.
  • Sevim Balcı Hacettepe Üniversitesi Çocuk Sağlığı Enstitüsü Prof.Dr.



Prenatal diagnosis, Neural tube defect, Ultrasound, Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein


Prenatal diagnosis was performed in mothers delivered of an infant with a neural tube defect (NTD) previously. 23 cAses were analysed retrospectively and 5 cases in prospectively, diagnosing NTD in utero by means of determining matemal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MS-AFP) levels and ultrasound (USG). 6 cases of NID detected in utero. Ali cases of NTD demonstrated elevations in MS-AFP over 2,5 of multible of median (MOM), however, these data has been found questionable because of insuffident number of cases. it was concluded that diagnostic USG 85 % sentitive and 95 % spesific for the diagnosis of NTD in utero.


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How to Cite

Bayraktaroğlu, Z., & Balcı, S. (1992). Retrospective and Prospective Analysis of 28 Cases Applied Prenatal Diagnostic Methods Because of Neural Tube Defect Risk. European Journal of Therapeutics, 3(1), 10–16.



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