Comparison of the effects of bleaching agents activated by diode lasers in different wave lenghts: An in vivo study

Bleaching, hydrogenperoxide, laserAbstract
At the present time when aesthetics and visual quality have become more crucial, people frequently consult dentists in order to have more white-looking teeth. In the treatment of teeth which have colour defect, bleaching applications that are commonly used in dentistry increase the interest towards this issue since they are much more conservative and cheap compared to prosthetic dentistry. At present, depending on the type and degree of discolouration, different bleaching methods with different concentrations and application methods are preferred. In this study, the results of treatment and activation effi ciency of bleaching agents with laser in different wave lengths, which are applied to vital teeth that are discoloured depending on various reasons, were evaluated. In the present study, two different vital bleaching agents [Total Blanc (35% HP) and Opalescence BOOST (40% HP)] were applied by using two different wave lengths (diode 810 nm- 980 nm) to 20 patients admitted to the clinic with the purpose of getting their teeth whitened. In conclusion, in the cases activated by diode 980 nm, faster bleaching was provided. Opalescence BOOST gel was found more effective. In patients treated with Total Blanc, less postoperative sensitivity was detected.
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