Methods previously applied with the intent of losing weight by obese patients admitted to the nutrition and diet clinic

Obesity, weight control, popular diets, slimming methodsAbstract
The present study was planned to investigate the methods and effects of these methods previously applied by obese patient admitted to the nutrition and diet clinic of Gaziantep Şehitkamil State Hospital. The research was performed with a total of 382 individuals, 345 women and 37 men, with a body mass index of 30 kg/m2 and over. Before applying to the clinic, 71.2% of the individuals had tried to lose weight. 74.3% of these had lost weight; however, 96% of those who had lost weight re-gained weight. The rate of using any of the popular diets was identifi ed as 17.8%. Three popular diets most commonly used were the starvation diet (61.8%), cabbage diet (30.9%), and Dukan diet (8.8%). The proportion of the individuals using any weight loss methods was 70.8%. The methods used most frequently to lose weight were eating less food (79%), cutting down foods containing carbohydrate (61.4%), skipping meals (54.8%), exercising (52.9%) and slimming tea (45.9%). The rate of weight loss interventions was lower among the individuals whose monthly income was lower (p< 0.05). The individuals with an over-weight (obese) body perception attempted to lose weight at a higher rate
compared to those with weak/normal, light-weight body perception (p< 0.05). Women used any of the popular diets at a higher rate than men (p< 0.05). Health problems experienced as a result of the method applied included hunger, weakness, dizziness, gaining more weight, gastrointestinal disorders, impaired blood biochemistry, heart palpitations, psychological disorders, cessation of menstruation, and increased acne. 22.2% of the individuals applied to the clinic in order to lose weight healthilyunder the control of experts. Obesity is regarded as a problem, and most weight loss methods that are used are unhealthy ones. Losing weight in a healthy manner should be carried out by gaining healthy eating habits, bringing these habits into life style, and supporting these with exercise under the control of experts.
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