[Pektus Ekskavatumun "Sternal Tumover"Tekniği ile Düzeltilmesi]
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Pectus excavatum, Sternal turnoverAbstract
From 1991 to May 1992 we corected 6 male patients of pectus excavatum at Diyarbakır Military Hospital and Gaziantep University Hospital. Patients' ages ranged from 14 to 20 years. The youngest patient was Marfan syndrome. He had a lens dislocation in his left eye. The remaining five patients were only pectus excavatum. Musctiloskletal abnormalities and cardiac diseases were not identified. Surgical correction was performed using a uniform technique for bilateral subperichondrial resection of the deformed costal cantilages and transverse stemotomy. Stemal graft rotated 180 degrees and connected to the manibrium with wire and silk sutures. We also prP«-erved upper intercostal bundles and bilateral intemal mammarial arteries. Alı repairs were completed with a low complication (Pneumothorax, 1; seroma, 1). Short-term results were sa tisfactory .
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