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Pulmonary function tests, Pigeon breeder's diseaseAbstract
Pulmonary function tests were perfonned on 24 male pigeon breeders in a cafe where pigeons were kept in our region. The breeders were in contact with pigeons and their droppings for years. At the moment, venous blood specimens of the breeders were taken for detection of the nonspesific IgG, IgM and IgA levels. At the erid of the study, we found significant obstruction in small and Jarge airways of smokers and in small airways of nonsmokers among the breeders who visits these cafes. There were also significant increases in the nonspesific IgG, IgM and IgA levels of the subjects. These findings indicate that pigeon breeding is as risky as smoking and air pollution on developing chronic obstru.ctive lung disease.
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