Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Autonomic Neutropathy in Diabetic Cases
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Diabetes mellitus, Autonomic neuropathy, Gastrointestinal complicationAbstract
Gastrointestinal symptoms and the relationship with the autonomic neutropathy on 120 diabetic patients were investigated 37 of the 120 diabetic patients (age range 34-75, mean 52.4±12.1) were male and the length of time since the diagnosis of diabetes m.allitus was 1-16 year (mean 7.2±6.8). There were gastrointestinal symptooms in 22.5 % of the 120 diabetic patients (two of 120 cases were type I diabetes mellitus). Night diarrhea in 9.4%, fecal incontinence in 1.7 %, signs of gastric atony in 1.7 % and constipation in 20% of these diabetic cases were observed. Autonoıriic test was performed in 34 diabetic patients, and autonomic neuropathy was determined in 35.2 % of them. it was observed that the diarrhea and gastric atony may be also associated with the autonornic neuropathy. Gall stones were determined in 7.5 % of the cases taken in the study.
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