The Investigation of Relation Between Pyuria and Bacteriuria in Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Urinary Tract Infections of Women

Urinary Tract Infection, Pyuria, BacteriuriaAbstract
Greatly questionable, clacification of the diagnosis with the results of commonly used laboratory tests has great importance. in this study, relation between pyuria and bacteriuria was investigated. Pyuria was evaluated by white cell count and leukocyte esterase test in urine sedimen (Multistik 10 SG). Bacteriuria was detected in 153(51.94 %) of 298 urine specimens. In urine sediment of culture-positive specimens, pyuria was detected by white cell count in 33.3 % of these and by leukocyte esterase test in 34.6 % of these, the percentages were 22. 7 % and 12.4 % for culture--negative specimens, respectively. The correlation between bacteriuria and pyuria, especially for the specimens of symptomatic patients, was found to be high. Because of we couldn't find any statistical significance between white celi count and leucocyte esterase test, we think that both of the test can be used to determine the pyuria. However, for the diagnosis of urinary tract infection, it would be a proper management culturing the specimen, while evaluating the urine for pyuria.
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