The Effects of EDTA, 8-Hydroxy Quinoline and Metal lons on the Serum Alkaline Phosphatase Activity Levels

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  • Metin Gezici Biyokimya Uzman Dr.,Zonguldak Devlet Hastanesi, Zonguldak
  • Yüksel Özdemir Gaziantep Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Biyokimya ABD. Doç. Dr.



Serum alkaline phosphatase, EDTA, 8-Hydroxy quinoline, Zn, Mg


In this study, the inhibition effects of EDTA and 8-Hydroxy quinoline upon the serum alkaline phosphatase activity were examined. After this inhibition, the alkaline phosphatase activity level was decreased (% 90) using EDTA and (% 64) using 8-hydroxy quinoline. The alkaline phosphatase activity was restored with addition Zn and Mg ions after inhibition. Reactivation of alkaline phosphatase activity due addition of Zn was higher than Mg.


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How to Cite

Gezici, M., & Özdemir, Y. (1994). The Effects of EDTA, 8-Hydroxy Quinoline and Metal lons on the Serum Alkaline Phosphatase Activity Levels. European Journal of Therapeutics, 5(2), 134–139.



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